Lazarus Recovery Blog
Different but the same!
Whether we like it or not Faith troops and Recovery people are much alike. In reality, we both need to be connected to God. This requires humility. For recovery people, they have a built-in humble generator. They have themselves and the broken stuff. Faith people are...
In all our enterprises we make unconscious choices from day to day and week to week. The addict or the drunk makes choices every day. Not do I drink or use today? No, the choice is to do something today that keeps me further away from me picking up today. A drunk and...
I found it!
This is the chapter of the book I remembered. And low and behold I was remembering correctly. A victory at my age! Chapter 10 ‘Medora Junction’—Between Two Worlds After graduation from high school, I assumed that college was out and the C.C.C. (Civilian Conservation...
Life at the Junction.
My dad wrote a book in his last years. In the book, he talked about a junction on the road where he hitchhiked to college. I will try to get the quote. As I remember it was all about the junction between the old life and new life. My dad was a pastor mostly because he...
Ears to hear!
The question for me is what of the things my ears can hear will my heart receive. What I can say is not much good if there are no hearers. We in Faith do worry if recovery folks even have the ears to hear. And recovery troops worry we faith folks don't really care...
Oops, Maybe a bit of sweetness to the last would be in order.
I was in a time crunch on the last post. Perhaps an oops is in order. I default to the biting and obscure in smoke mode sometimes. Let me try again. For the secular recovery people in AA and Na and others, I do know you will get an inaccurate picture of the spiritual...
To a Faith person, what is an addict? To a sober person, what does a Jesus person look like?
What does an addict look like? What does a person with mental issues look like? What does a Jesus Freak look like and sound like? A news flash! Chances are there may be one of those people hiding in plain sight next to you in a meeting or in church. Bigotry is not...
Lost in Translation
It is funny how you need a translator to communicate between recovery folk and faith folk. The word suggestion is such a word. In AA a suggestion is the best distillation of corporate wisdom on anything. In faith options and individual thought are not held in great...
From both sides!
I have said before I am a two-minded man. Now I know the bible side of me knows about two-minded men. Do a search on two-minded! But for argument let's think of many things from two brains. First, you are a couple of years sober and clean. Your sober brain deals with...
Ain’t technology Grand
I am pushing my old tech body along. When I was in Hong Kong I was amazed and bought a digital slide rule the size of an adding machine today. Years later in 74, they had the original IBM PC and the original Macintosh. Now I am trying to get this website to do stuff....
Chuck Beck
Founder of Lazarus Recovery Services LLC
Recovery History started in 1974.
Chuck got sober in AA in Brookline, Ma
With stops in the Catholic Charmatic renewal.
The Assembly of God.
Straight evangelical Churches.
Recovery groups ran from small recovery groups in churches to
Large groups like Celebrate Recovery.