What does an addict look like? What does a person with mental issues look like? What does a Jesus Freak look like and sound like? A news flash! Chances are there may be one of those people hiding in plain sight next to you in a meeting or in church.

Bigotry is not just about color or ancestry. It is about stupid! Not intellectual stupid, but human stupid.

We spend a lot of time protecting the purity of the tribe. And forget the purity of the tribe is a myth. We are that impurity because we are not like each other.

I have news for the churchgoer. There is a sinner in the pew next to you. Not just the generic one. A real-life adulterer. There are addicts by the tens and twenties in the service with you.

And not to let you AA troops off the hook. There are real deal Jesus folks next to you. They just don’t say anything because you will jump down their stuff if they share.

We all be blind on purpose! We can’t deal with the truth. We are very tribal. And silly!

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