Lazarus Recovery Blog

PMS Planned Maintenance In the Navy, we had planned maintenance for our gear.  It gave us planned tasks.  In like manner recovery and faith have suggested tasks to complete to ensure good operation.

Basics or Keep it simple stupid! Recovery is the name of the game!  And the playbook is the same even if we are too dense to remember it! Number One is to Ask for help Stupid!  No matter what you are recovering from the game is the same!

The First thing you forget!

On my new journey podcast is the Number one thing. I forgot the number one thing! My next podcast is the number one thing! The basics! Pray Stupid! I get up and I do stuff. My stuff I do. I run my life my way! Pray first. On your knees first. Do I do that? No. I do...

Unspoken In faith circles unspoken is code for prayer requests given without names. In recovery circles, this is the genric request for prayer without names

Back with needs Coming back from trauma means dealing with the basics again.  Do the basics again.  Go to meetings. Pray.  Rest.  Exercise.  Be smart.

Lessons of Jona In my early days in recovery my mantra was You get what you need not what you want! Recovery is not God as I understand Him, but rather dealing with who He actually is.  The Devil is who you want to understand Him...

More of the story!

Well I am back! The short version of my journey is not short. Our house was filled with mold. We moved out to rental. Then I had to have a hernia repair. Then my brain had to be drilled to release pressure. Then I had another bleed in my brain. Somewhere I got a clot...

My Truth!

Much has happened since last post. Simple stuff. I almost died. Prayer from many called me back. I have spent more than a month in hospitals. I was in dough in icu. Thanks to those who prayed me back. My last posts and podcast outlined my idea of how to get safe with...

Chuck Beck

Chuck Beck

Founder of Lazarus Recovery Services LLC


Recovery History started in 1974.

Chuck got sober in AA in Brookline, Ma

With stops in the Catholic Charmatic renewal.

The Assembly of God.

Straight evangelical Churches.

Recovery groups ran from small recovery groups in churches to

Large groups like Celebrate Recovery.



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