Balls and Strikes! Out of the Game!

In any sport, there come times when the player is taken from the game. The rules are not as clear-cut in the game of recovery and faith. In both arenas, there are no rules that can be not evenly enforced. So people get hurt and are carted off the field. in my...

Balls and Strikes the final Call There is the term Codependency.  In this situation, our best compassion turns into a mess. In the podcast, I talk about the role of sloppy compassion in recovery and...

Balls and Strikes! Capital Offence!

You can not understand the junction of faith and recovery without coming to grips with the deep-seated bias of many members of each group. I got sober in the seventies. I came to Jesus in the born-again sense in the seventies. My Dad was a pastor of the conservative...