Two worlds are not immune from stuff.

This post is about two separate situations one in each world. In the Faith world, my CR group lost its ministry leader to cancer. I had worked under him for the four and half years we had been doing CR. I am a pastor’s kid. I could understand the rigors of the...

The Truth is?

At the Junction of faith and Recovery truth is the gold of the realm. And what is most important is which truth is a non-negotiable issue. For recovery troops. The truth is I can not drink or use or I will meet a bad end. And that truth is the center of all decisions....

Sweet Spots

I have to offer my apology. I try to be what I need to be to please people. I have recently been really thinking about what it means to be on the Spectrum and what that does to my experiences and my attitudes. I rarely think about the social consequences of a train of...

Denial ain’t a river in Egypt!

I have spent time talking about the differences between the Recovery group and the Faith group. But what is the same? What is common between the groups? Right now let’s talk about denial. Both camps would deny they are in denial. You hear ‘yes but’ a...

Other Factors

As I have written posts I find areas that are different and at the same time are the same. AA focuses on just alcohol addiction. Yet their members deal with all the other ism’s. Faith-based programs like Celebrate Recovery deal with all the afflictions of their...