New Digs

I am surrendering my business office and my service business. Its time has expired. We expire here after a time. My body is slower and my mind. A question for all is when do we expire and what does that mean. In the next posts, I will look at this thing and see how we...

Treasure in Strange

There should be agreement on the content of this blog post. But really there is a world of difference. Let us agree on some facts, a challenge these days. For recovery folks, diversity is a strength. Odd is not disqualifying from being in the know crowd. Weird is is...

Two Worlds, who are we, and who do they say we are?

I was having a conversation with one of my family. The topic turned out to be about their struggle with being friends with people who seemed to have lost their minds. So I want to talk about the spectrum of stuff under each tent. Recovery has an advantage. They can...