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I am working to get the hardware up and running for the actual podcast. I can record audio into audition from a rodes podcaster Pro. But the multitrack function is giving me fits. Eventually, I will ask for help. The drunk in me resists asking for help. Wonder where...

What do you want to hear about?

I am an old guy! I am 75 and I am 47 years sober. I have been in Pentecost for 45 years. I have taught in halfway houses, sober houses, and churches. I have run and helped in a number of Christian recovery programs. I have done some prison ministry. I owned and run a...

Balance? What balance? What is that?

I(n this space I inhabit between Christian recovery and secular recovery I have bias and opinion. Anyone of whatever flavor knows balance is the hardest thing to master. I am caustic by nature. Not the best recovery nor is it the best fruit of the Spirit. So in the...

How do you train a dog?

There are jokes about herding cats. There are jokes about unmanageable things. Maybe we need to think about this in the context of the two groups I deal with on this blog. Really who can argue that faith folks are like a herd of cats? But in like manner no one in the...