I(n this space I inhabit between Christian recovery and secular recovery I have bias and opinion. Anyone of whatever flavor knows balance is the hardest thing to master. I am caustic by nature. Not the best recovery nor is it the best fruit of the Spirit. So in the interest of balance. Ugh!

A few caveats to balance the scales will be good.

A dear friend of the family just passed away from covid. This lady and her family saved my kids and my life years ago when I took the kids and left a marriage. This move like vaccine use was not widely accepted. Facts and details were of little concern. But this lady just cared and listened and acted. She and her family were life to me and mine. I will be eternally grateful to them all. Many in the faith were the same. I have known many that were heaven ready. I know many who walk in the gifts of the Spirit and the fruits of the Spirit. These wonders outshine the some who are hugely disappointing.

In like manner in the secular AA program, I have friends whose advice and feedback I seek over my brother and sisters in Christ. These days of covid I mostly ignore whatever comes out of conservative wings of the Faith. I had a friend years ago who was by any measure flawed to some extent, but he cared for me and I valued him. He took time and saved my life and my kid’s life by listening and daring to insert wise counsel into my denial. The loss of either person would be bad news for our present and our future. People of quality of whatever tribe can make an eternal difference.

May we have the wisdom to parse the value from either side of the divide between Faith and Recovery.

A note! I am actively thinking of starting a podcast about the themes I discuss here. And to do some informational content about recovery like rehab do’s and don’t’s. The top three mistakes people in recovery make. If this is something you would like to see leave a comment. And if some of this content would be good on youtube. Let me know. Check out some old youtube stuff I did at Lazarusrecovery youtube.

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