At the Junction of faith and Recovery truth is the gold of the realm. And what is most important is which truth is a non-negotiable issue.
For recovery troops. The truth is I can not drink or use or I will meet a bad end. And that truth is the center of all decisions. I am alive now because I made sobriety my main thing back then.
For the faith troops, the fact is Jesus trumps everything. Jesus trumps church stuff, Jesus trumps politics, Jesus trumps heaven or Hell. The truth is on the morning after my last drink a day at a time I was sitting in a McDonald’s parking lot and groaned ‘Sweet Jesus Help me.’ I have not had a drink in 47 years.
The truth is we will die physically and be held accountable for what we did in this life.
The truth is we will die sooner if we pick up a drink or a drug.
The truth is we have the capacity to hurt people and especially those we are close to without the stabilizing effect of God in our lives. A faith life matters. A Jesus life matters the most.
The truth is Us Faith folk fail spectacularly. And when we do Jesus gets the black eye.
We must profess our Faith!
We, faith folks, affect the opinions of those searching for faith.
The truth is faith is key to life. And it is true how we live that life is crucial to those following up on the journey of Faith.
And the truth is we Jesus folk can not live a Jesus life which is contagious without Jesus giving us the power to do it.
And we can not get the power without asking daily for it.
There is a reason why denial is a thing. Denial is easy now and a real horror in the long run.
Don’t drink and go to a meeting and ask for help!
Because Jesus lives we can face tomorrow!
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