I was in a time crunch on the last post. Perhaps an oops is in order. I default to the biting and obscure in smoke mode sometimes. Let me try again.

For the secular recovery people in AA and Na and others, I do know you will get an inaccurate picture of the spiritual bent of the troops. Because the reaction to overt religion is often negative. Ir comes from the new people and some diehard religion-resistant folks. The result is the impression faith is unwelcome. In fact, the natural result of working the steps is real religious practices hidden below the surface.

Now to the faith faction prejudice is in reverse. To the casual observer evidence of the deliverance from addiction and the victory of extended sobriety is hidden. There are no celebrations for being sober for 30 years. Bit if you listen closely when people do talk you will hear the testimony that drinking went away thirty years ago. In church the victories are invisible. Without statistics, you have to guess.

The simple fact is miracles happen in both places. We all have to be humble enough to open our eyes and see and believe.

Now the snarky part of Chuck comes back! What is common between the two places. People! Human people. And a God who cares for people.

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