The Deal This is my explanation of the Biblical description of Salvation.  I didn’t use a lot of bible verses. Want more contact me directly.  Thanks,...

What deal?

My last podcast was ‘no deal!’ Well, what is the deal that the Good News proclaims? Everyone looks and sees the deal a little differently. For 2000 Years denominations have formed and died over these very issues. Yet we can’t agree. Why? Because we...

Content in the Crazy House

Posts and podcasts are a content business. You have to speak coherently. Unfortunately, my kids and I are going thru a challenging time. Thank God it isn’t health or security. We have been forced out of our house due to the discovery of mold in our primary...

No Deal Why is coming to Jesus so hard?

Needs vs Wants I got sober many years ago chanting the phrase ‘you get what you want not what you need! This podcast is about the principle of faith and recovery in Jesus....