My last podcast was ‘no deal!’ Well, what is the deal that the Good News proclaims? Everyone looks and sees the deal a little differently. For 2000 Years denominations have formed and died over these very issues. Yet we can’t agree. Why?

Because we all want what we want. We all want the promise of grace and want to drive the conditions under a low bridge.

What is the good news? John 3:16 God so loved the world that he gave His Son so whoever believed in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.

Confess with your lips Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved.

There is the sinner’s prayer. It has many versions, but the basics are to repent and be saved.

Repent and be saved.

To the human mind, this is ridiculous.

We all have inherited the idea of our ownership of this life. We own it by being born. But at best we find out soon that it is a loan. And there is no length guarantee. We have it for this moment. There is no lottery for permanent ownership. But we hold to the idea this life is ours as long as we last. And we have the right of ownership to do whatever we want to do as long as we can. My life lived my way is our desire.

Now, the idea that this world is not ours, but was created and owned by another is good and bad. The good news maybe this owner can save it. The bad news is that maybe he would not be too keen on us running it for Him. Jesus told a parable about a crew of hired hands who were working a patch of land and when the owner sent a son to manage the land the hired staff killed the son. That is us! We killed the son!

We want to run our own show. Is this too much to ask? The problem is it is not our show. And we are abject failures at running it. We are burning our home down around us. We are addicted to self-control. Is there any rational reason why the manager would renew our life for an eternal stay when we stink at it and hurt each other?

We don’t get an eternal re-up on our own merit. We only get a re-up on his merit. That makes no sense to us! We are not the brightest bunch. So you can try the merit route for yourself! Or you can come on His merit and yield all Lordship to Him.

Saved by grace thru faith! This is not a merit business. And we will not be in charge. Being in charge of our lives was a myth.

Jesus is King and Lord. Everyone in the end will confess this for His Glory.

You all have a million questions. And the answers may not feel good. But remember we are rebels to our own detriment. Take the pardon and live!

For my recovery folks I get this is a leap really far. AA told you that you can create your own higher power to get sober and clean for the here and now. They said that to you get in the door and not die. AA never mentioned anything about Eternity. They said they don’t do religion. AA is here and now. Jesus is forever. Huge leap I get it.

The next podcast will be about this. I get it. this is really hard!

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