Posts and podcasts are a content business. You have to speak coherently. Unfortunately, my kids and I are going thru a challenging time. Thank God it isn’t health or security. We have been forced out of our house due to the discovery of mold in our primary residence. It is financially challenging. Turns out insurance will not cover it and litigation with the contractor of our addition will take years. As a result, we are pulling cash out of corners where I have squirreled it away.

I am fortunate I have been thru seasons in my life where I needed to look to the past for comfort.

Right now I am not sitting in my bedroom that’s warm and has got good sound characteristics. The recording is challenging due to the furnace that lights off randomly in the cold basement I am set up in the rental house we are renting by the month

I have been thru money issues in the past. This is orders of magnitude worse than previous times.

My comfort is the memory of how the Lord has provided in the past and into the present.

My next posts and podcasts will be true stories of how he has prepared me for times of concern.


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