Survivor! Not reality TV.

I actually like survivor the reality show. It is entertainment. But I have been in recovery for 47 years. This reality show is real and the stakes are high. A few stories without names. When I got sober in my early years there was an older gentleman who got sober. I...

Different or the Same?

Recently I commented in a small group that I liked AA because it was ok to be different. AA tolerated different and even odd. I liked that because I always felt out of step. In the last years, I have realized there is a bit of the odd in me. I am most likely a bit on...

What is the Main Thing?

One of the main things I appreciated about AA in my early days was the Traditions. Their primary purpose was to stay sober and help others to achieve sobriety. In the early days, they had to work thru the guardrails to their focus. On the whole, they did that well and...

Concepts, Themes, and Negotiables!

Forgive the analogy! Faith and Recovery are very religious. Horrors! Let me explain! If you have an issue leave a comment! A conversation is a good thing. First, here are some concepts to think about. ‘ Wages of sin is death’ Google it! ‘The gift of...

Mixed breed?

My purpose is to shed light on the interconnection of these two complicated interconnected groups of humans. And to connect the two with an understanding of their differences and the similarities. I am definitely from two backgrounds. I am a pastor’s kid. But I...