What is recovery? In some circles, recovery is total healing without side effects. In AA continued sobriety offers possible benefits. They even say follow us and you will have a life second to none. In faith circles, the implication is total healing and not doubting. What can go wrong with this understanding? There is a difference between the best outcomes and the norm of outcomes. In AA they deal with a limited spectrum of situations ie sobriety after alcohol addiction. And AA has a wide and long experience with sobriety over many years. They can say truthfully in many cases long-term sobriety and working the step does bring recovery of many hopes and aspirations. AA defines it’s terms carefully and backs it up with personal testimony.

Faith is a different beast altogether. Biblical truth is sure, but not definitive for all situations. Does God heal miraculously and in an instant? Yes, but not dogmatically and predictively. So, to say follow our path and you will have healing is not accurate. Now, if you say follow Jesus and He will watch over you is absolute truth. You just can not promise what that looks like nor can you say when and where that will be finished. My point one is the track record and there other is the faith with testimony and the end result hidden beyond the veil.

So recovery is a sloppy term. But the term has always been a vapor rather than a fact.

A couple of examples from Faith recovery. What does recovery look like for someone with a mental illness diagnosis? In secular circles, they don’t even go there except to say if you stay sober or clean your life will be better than the alternative. In Faith circles, they invoke the possibility of divine intervention without guarantee. Surprisingly God can intervene in many ways. But to say or imply working the steps can change a diagnosis is rubbish. For people with a diagnosis, recovery is to learn how to effectively manage the challenges of working with the treatment options available to you. And for God’s sake don’t mess with the meds!

So in the end both areas have their strengths and weaknesses. But clearing the fog away leaves some simple facts. God can heal at His time and place! Working the steps can help get better order and meaning out of life stuff. Being with people though trying at times can in the long run do better than isolation. And the whole recovery community is living proof that God is merciful, loving, and long-suffering.

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