No human easily submits to authority. We all deal with the concept reluctantly. We all want the final say about how life is handled. We can see in this life how lives play out. In secular recovery, drinking is death or living death. and following the program is life to best. In the Faith world following the Way is life and safety. And following another path is death and hopelessness.

Here is where the divide gets wide.

What we want is a manageable God. We want all the God stuff. We want protection, peace, forever peace. But we want all of it without strings. We want a completely codependent God. We want the leverage of doing it my way or I will hurt myself unless you do what I want. Within the tent of the church, there are denominations that preach a very cooperative God. And in the recovery community, there is God as we understand Him. Which is God my way.

You cannot say Faith and recovery are different. They are the same. We both struggle with who we say God is and how He operates.

I have said on occasions that you can find a church for anything you want. You can find a church that preaches a God you recognize. You in recovery know you can find a meeting that fits you.

But you know that which meeting you pick matters to your chance of survival. Some meetings have long-term sobriety and are solid. Others are rubbish and the results show it.

Sorry, the God you pick matters! In the Real Bible God is the ultimate final authority. Pick carefully the God you follow. There is an old song that says ‘Trust and Obey! There is no other Way’ There is a scripture that says ‘Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’ What we believe matters because who God is matters! God is not dependent on our approval. We are dependent on his approval thru His Grace.

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