If I look at folks in Recovery who are they? Recovery is a wildly diverse crew. One may be a male or female of any age who struggles with the snare of progressing chemical addiction. I could write a book on the many faces of ever strangling snare of addiction. There is no generality of who these folks are or where they come from or where they may end up. But I can say when they find release they will passionately defend the method of their deliverance. Hence you get the tribal nature of their defense. For normie’s ie normal folks who can reasonably control their lives, this addiction thing is unreasonable. I learned early on normal folks had no clue. Their best was deadly to me. I found release from addiction in AA and later in Jesus. As a result I am a half breed. I am mixed race. I loved AA. And I loved the church because Jesus was there. In 46 years of sobriety, I have experienced disappointment in both. But neither has betrayed me on purpose.

Now all that is left is the world. The world and its opinions have proved seductive lies. Here lies the problem. Forgive the pun! AA has no filter. Common sense they know. Emotional competence they know. But with biblical truth, AA’s instinctually recoil in some quarters. And the church struggles to see those ‘God as we understand Him’ people, as people. The church does tend to wander off from their Master and get stuck in the pucker brush. AA’s just don’t know what they don’t know.

The conclusion we are all people in need of every kind of help. So at the junction of Faith and recovery is the need for an open heart and mind. Remember the Bible is best digested when not rammed down the throat. Bible on the hoof is better. Please walk it don’t talk it! Aa’s I dare you to ask your higher power who Jesus is!

CR’s respect your forebears in recovery! AA’s respect for the bible was the foundation of AA. Without Divine unction there is nothing!

Remember God uses other folks you question to get your attention. I would have made a sarcastic crack, but it may be a bit too soon for that.

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