Lazarus Recovery Blog

Medora Junction Lazarus Recovery Podcast Episode 2

Episode 2 is about a portion of my dad's book 'My journey into the Trinity'  In that chapter he talks of his days going to college by hitchhiking from his home to Bloomington, Indiana.  This intersection was the place where often he was dropped off and needed to catch...

Lazarus Recovery Podcast Episode 1 Lazarus Recovery Podcast is a broad-spectrum discussion of the junction between the secular recovery world and the faith-based recovery ministries.  Our topics will include but are not limited to AA and 12 steps,...

Lazarus Recovery Podcast Episode 1

Lazarus Recovery Podcast is a broad-spectrum discussion of the junction between the secular recovery world and the faith-based recovery ministries.  Our topics will include but are not limited to AA and 12 steps, Alanon, and family support groups.  On the faith side,...

Progress! Maybe!

I have a wave file of Episode 1! Now I am figuring out what to do with it, So wait for me to get the details straight. I have the hosting company, but they need an image to go with it. It is like a thumbnail on Youtube. Its size is a problem. My tech staff, my...


Whoa! I think I have figured out the audio editor! Now I have to figure out how to get it uploaded to the podcast sites. I will keep you posted. I think I can do it from here, but no clue. Soon for Episode 1. I am teaching tomorrow on powerless at CR. As usual, I am...

My Uncle Bill!

In my childhood, my Dad's Indiana family was a long and infrequent trip away. The Beck family in Indiana was large. Five children were spread over the depression years, My uncle Bill was on the older side. My Dad was on the younger side of the family. Bill was one of...

At the Junction!

In his very later years, my dad wrote a book. It was a memoir masquerading as a theology book. One chapter was titled Medora Junction. It was about a junction he would get dropped off at to thrumb a ride to college. My dad was wonderful with words. He talked of the...

Sorry, Under construction!

I am working to get the hardware up and running for the actual podcast. I can record audio into audition from a rodes podcaster Pro. But the multitrack function is giving me fits. Eventually, I will ask for help. The drunk in me resists asking for help. Wonder where...

Chuck Beck

Chuck Beck

Founder of Lazarus Recovery Services LLC


Recovery History started in 1974.

Chuck got sober in AA in Brookline, Ma

With stops in the Catholic Charmatic renewal.

The Assembly of God.

Straight evangelical Churches.

Recovery groups ran from small recovery groups in churches to

Large groups like Celebrate Recovery.



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